Monday, 30 July 2012
Coaching Clinics
Most people when they graduate from university, don't have working experience. They might know the rules of working, but they haven't pass trough a real working situation. People who just graduate need orientation before entering the office. This kind of training also digs motivation and skills. These kinds of training programs are called coaching clinic.
Every universities have their own coaching clinic, with a purpose as a consultation class and improving skill and job offer. There are two models of training, job coaching and career coaching. Job coaching helps students to enter the office for their first time. Career coaching helps to grow their career.
Coaching clinic also helps to motivate people who think that they have succeed, to make them even more motivated. Sometimes, learning from failing is good to warn themselves for not doing those for the second time. There are many things that graduated students must prepare, one of them are salaries. This could make them know who and where they are working, Their salary also could measure their contribution to the company.
These are the steps of coaching clinic :
1. First of all is definition, to make sure they know who they are.
2. Secondly it's discovery, to improve their own potential.
3. Next : dream, to know their life-plans and ideal professions.
4. Then design, to make a strategy to build their career.
5. And finally, destiny which are more to the action.
The consultants are commonly psychologist. Some consultant even have the international coach association. Coaching clinics could make to the steps of making CV, interviews, etc. What is good about this consultation is that students could know better about what will they be. When joining this clinic, they might have to ask more so they know how to work professionally.
Source : Kompas
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Why do teens get stressed ?
Stress is when people get mentality and emotional problems, which could possibly happen to teens. In this age, parents must be warned to prevent the effect of a stressed teens. That is why, things that relates to stress triggers must be known well by parents. So that parents could do the right thing to their children. Here are some stress triggers, which commonly be the reason for teens getting stress :
1. School life
School life is one of the usual reason why students get stressed. Some students are stress because they have so much work to do, but none of them are done well. Their school push them to have a high score for every subject, then what happen is they often fail on test and must go on for a remedial for a couple of times. Another factor is that their parents forced them to have good scores, meanwhile their children have limits of working.
Well, at school students could find friends, to enlarge their network of relationship. The problem is, sometimes their own friends could be someone who matters most to their life, they even feel that their friends are the only ones to trust, leaving their family. How if their friends aren't the expected ones ? bullying, bad habit and many more could happen if they are trapped in a bad social.
2. Physical appearance
Their physical appearance could effect their emotional. Why ? In this ages, teens would take a serious look to their appearance. Teens always wanna look cool right ? So they always want their shirts to fit in them. They certainly don't want to get over-fat or skinny. and the most common thing is about oil and pimples on their faces.If a teen is not confident with their appearance, they might have an emotional feelings about those.
3. Family condition
Divorces and bad relations with their own family could make a teen feel deeply sad, then it continues to a stress. Well, even though they are half-big enough already, they still need care and love from their parents. How could possibly a family get along together and have holidays together if the parents don't even want to be together.
The next thing is, a poor economically condition of a family could also make a teen really sensitive. More over if the teen are surrounded by friends with well-payed families.
4. Romance
And finally, this is the most strongest reason why a teen is really stress. They might get sick, zero-minded, even brought to death by this. Well maybe if their love story are going well, they might be really happy. They also might think that their life is the most gifted life ever. But when it comes the time where they are leaved by the loved ones, they surely get broken-hearted. When a teen is broken, they wont be able to do things well. They emotional are really in a terrible condition. So that is why, sometimes they might to a horrible action to end their feelings of broken.
Well as a teen i also have experienced this, it was an awful thing ! At that time i didn't have power to do anything. i cant eat, i cant study well, i even dont want to go to school. Well this type of thing cant be prevented actually. Teens usually are cured by themselves, or until they find someone new on their life.
Well that's all about my third post. Hope you all can get the lesson from this !
Souce : Kompas
First Post !
Inilah posting pertama saya. Tujuan saya membuat blog ini adalah untuk membuat postingan’ bermanfaat dan bermotivasi. Yang mudah-mudahan bisa menggerakan hati anda menuju yang lebih baik. Karena saya yakin kekuatan motivasi-lah yang paling kuat. Dengan semangat motivasi, orang bisa mencapai semua yang mereka ingikan. Contohnya saja banyak orang-orang sukses di negri ini, diantaranya Chairul Tanjung, BJ Habibie, dll. Mereka memiliki motivasi tersendiri sehingga membuat mereka sukses.
Sebenarnya dengan menulis blog saya juga belajar dari postingan saya nanti.
Sekian dulu ya. Terimakasih atas kunjunganya selamat berkunjung kembali
Businessman Muda
Buat anak muda yang masih punya semangat berjuang, jangan sia-siakan masa kita ini. Di usia mudalah kita merintis kesuksesan. Nah, seperti kata orang ” good process, good result “. Kali ini, saya akan menuliskan tentang anak-anak muda yang sudah sukses berbisnis. Semangat, energic, dan kreatif merupakan modal utama mereka. Enak kali ya ? Masih muda bahkan remaja sudah menghasilkan duit sendiri ? Hehehe simaklah video tentang 2 anak remaja yang sudah sukses berbisnis :
Nah mari kita mulai dengan Steven Gordon, 18 tahun. Yang telah merintis bisnis-nya sendiri. Menurut saya, bisnis yang dilakukanya ini cukup strategis. Yaitu bisnis tatto kontemporer yang ia tawarkan di suatu tempat hiburan di portland. Produk-nya ia labeli Tattooid. Bentuk tatto-nya unik dan lucu. Dan memang, diperuntukan untuk anak kecil yang mengunjungi tempat hiburan tersebut.
Jika dilihat, tujuan diberikanya tattoo diatas ialah apabila anak tsb hilang, maka ia tinggal menunjukkan tattoo-nya dan meminta orang yang menemukanya menelpon ke nomor di tattoo. Nah strategis bukan ? Jadi tatto yang unik sekaligus antisipasi. Di tempat yang ramai dikunjungi anak-anak. Wah Steven Gordon ini memang pandai membaca peluang.
Steven Gordon mendapatkan ide diatas saat ia kehilangan saudaranya, dari situ ia ingin agar tak lagi terjadi kejadian yang sama. Ia telah sukse mengumpulkan $5000 dari usaha summernya itu.
Nah, selanjutnya ada Gary Jane, 19 tahun. Ia memiliki usaha kaos yang ia namai Muffin Milk, yang ia rintis sejak ia masih sekolah. Desainya yang unik membuatnya sangat sukses. Membuat produknya menjadi produk must have. Sekarang, dengan menjual kaos muffinmilk, menghasilkan $16000 setiap orangnya.
Muffinmilk bahkan meiliki facebook page tersendiri ( bisa dibuka ) :
Gordon dan Jane sekarang juga mengajar entrepreneurship. Anak muda seperti mereka memang calon calon sukses. Mereka berani terjun kedunia bisnis meskipun umur mereka masih muda. Mental mereka dalam berbisnis memang terlihat. Yang mereka lakukan ialah kerja keras, terus ber-ide, dan pantang menyerah. Mereka mengorbankan waktu muda mereka demi mencapai kesuksesan.
Untuk itu, jadilah orang-orang seperti mereka. Saya tidak menawarkan untuk langsung terjun ke bisnis seperti mereka, tapi yang lebih penting ialah mereka berani dan merelakan masa muda mereka. Kerja keras mereka terbayar dengan keuntungan yang mereka dapatkan. Begitu juga dengan kita, harus memanfaatkan masa muda dengan kerja keras dan pantang menyerah dalam banyak belajar. Teguhkan prinsip kalian dalam menetapkan tujuan yang real. Jika sudah, lakukan dengan action. Karena tanpa action, suatu tujuan sama saja bohong,
Sekian dari postingan saya kali ini, mudah-mudahan kalian termotivasi
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