Saturday, 28 July 2012

Why do teens get stressed ?

Stress is when people get mentality and emotional problems, which could possibly happen to teens. In this age, parents must be warned to prevent the effect of a stressed teens. That is why, things that relates to stress triggers must be known well by parents. So that parents could do the right thing to their children. Here are some stress triggers, which commonly be the reason for teens getting stress :

1. School life

School life is one of the usual reason why students get stressed. Some students are stress because they have so much work to do, but none of them are done well. Their school push them to have a high score for every subject, then what happen is they often fail on test and must go on for a remedial for a couple of times. Another factor is that their parents forced them to have good scores, meanwhile their children have limits of working. 
Well, at school students could find friends, to enlarge their network of relationship. The problem is, sometimes their own friends could be someone who matters most to their life, they even feel that their friends are the only ones to trust, leaving their family. How if their friends aren't the expected ones ? bullying, bad habit and many more could happen if they are trapped in a bad social.

2. Physical appearance

Their physical appearance could effect their emotional. Why ? In this ages, teens would take a serious look to their appearance. Teens always wanna look cool right ? So they always want their shirts to fit in them. They certainly don't want to get over-fat or skinny. and the most common thing is about oil and pimples on their faces.If a teen is not confident with their appearance, they might have an emotional feelings about those.

3. Family condition

Divorces and bad relations with their own family could make a teen feel deeply sad, then it continues to a stress. Well, even though they are half-big enough already, they still need care and love from their parents. How could possibly a family get along together and have holidays together if the parents don't even want to be together.
The next thing is, a poor economically condition of a family could also make a teen really sensitive. More over if the teen are surrounded by friends with well-payed families.

4. Romance

And finally, this is the most strongest reason why a teen is really stress. They might get sick, zero-minded, even brought to death by this. Well maybe if their love story are going well, they might be really happy. They also might think that their life is the most gifted life ever. But when it comes the time where they are leaved by the loved ones, they surely get broken-hearted. When a teen is broken, they wont be able to do things well. They emotional are really in a terrible condition. So that is why, sometimes they might to a horrible action to end their feelings of broken.
Well as a teen i also have experienced this, it was an awful thing ! At that time i didn't have power to do anything. i cant eat, i cant study well, i even dont want to go to school. Well this type of thing cant be prevented actually. Teens usually are cured by themselves, or until they find someone new on their life.

Well that's all about my third post. Hope you all can get the lesson from this ! 
Souce : Kompas

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